Pure Choice™

Environmental Responsibility
To know Bill Millenkamp is to know his commitment to precision and detail. Every division of the Millenkamp agribusiness is synergetic–moving each other forward. Each division is also intent on implementing sustainable practices, making renewable resources and traceability primary goals.
This dedication to innovation and environmental stewardship is evident in their heat recovery and hot water generation system. This system, which dramatically reduces the amount of purchased energy in the form of propane, was awarded a USDA REAP Energy Grant.
Millenkamp is also in the final negotiations for an anaerobic manure digester which will produce natural gas for a nearby distribution pipeline and provide premium soil amendments and bedding for the cows.
Continual environmental efforts, including water reclamation, soil management, and dust mitigation are all part of the Millenkamp daily business culture.
Sustainability In Practice

Social Responsibility
Beyond environmental impact, the Millenkamp family takes great pride in their involvement in Idaho’s viable dairy industry. The dairy industry represents 33% of the agricultural sector in Idaho. Millenkamp is positioned to provide the jobs, resources, and product to support the industry’s growing needs.
The vertical integration of the Millenkamp operation ensures quality, consistency, and efficiency. The results of this integration is quality raw ingredients and an ability to continually expand the business in order to meet the global need.